About Me
My Journey
Hello, I am a mother of Irish twins, a lover of plants, oils, and organic living. For a long time I have known I was saved to do something great. I went through the darkest of hours in my younger life, from a nasty divorce, and betrayal by the person I thought I loved most, to being told I was never going to be good enough, and believing it. After falling far, I went on a trip, and on that trip I met a stranger. I had no idea that stranger would change my life forever. He saved me, he brought me back to God, and from that moment I knew I was meant to serve. I took a year away and found my power through meditation, and divine guidance. Once I was done I got my certification in Hypnotherapy, as well as Energy Medicine, Reiki, and Yoga. I have learned how to help others heal from the deepest of places because I had to first. I met and married my soul mate, and we had our two babies.
I created my own 100% natural, vegan, cruelty free skincare line, which helps balance our Chakra Centers, the most important parts of our bodies. All products are crystal and Reiki infused. My line is called Prakriti which is the Sanskrit word for nature or natural.
I have learned my full purpose in this life, and that is to help people find what keeps them scared to move forward, to grow, to live their best life. I also help teach how to live the holistic life. We are so fixated on mainstream, on what we think we know, or are supposed to do, and in all actuality we are doing it all wrong.
My mission is to create a sacred place where people feel safe to heal and find their divine power, and through this blog and site I want to start helping those who need the road map to Define Their Life On PURPOSE!