That sounds so real right? Well duh, of course you can't pour from an empty cup, there is nothing to pour out and share. Yet so often we forget that we are a cup full of energy, and that is what we share with the world. So when we run out of energy, our cup is empty,
I think when I finally realized this, at that moment things truly started to change for me.
Energy comes in many forms. The one we all commonly know is physical energy. Do you find yourself exhausted almost on a daily basis? What about drained mentally, spiritually? No clue to what the next step will be, so you just turned on autopilot?
Well when that flip gets switched, you go into the comfort zone stage. Here you are familiar, you are certain of the next step, because you've been doing the same thing over and over. Nothing changes, which mean nothing grows!
Your cup being empty can be the death of pure joyful happiness. So your daily mission should be to fill that cup. Every morning when I wake up, I give myself 5 min, I say thank you to the universe, the creator, for another amazing day. I let myself know I AM going to make things happen, and I set my intention for the day. Only after that, do I get out of bed and start my day. Doing that before your feet even hit the floor can determine your ENTIRE day! Truly imagine how many hours we have in a day, and what amaziness we could make happen if we spent them all being positive, and driven to our next move, and for our purpose. When our cup is full, we are open to finding our purpose!
My friends, this is where EVERY thing changes. It becomes a ripple effect. One positive action to the next. Nothing can take you off track from your purpose.
Now, I know that every move I make is for something, for something higher then me. So now every move I make, I make it on purpose, I enjoy every moment, even the bad. Not like lets party, but I find the positive out of it, and stay focused on that.
I will say this is a practice, I have to practice it daily. However, when you see it come into action, begin to manifest, you will never stop.
So tomorrow morning I challenge you to give yourself 5 minutes. 5 minutes to fill your cup, and then, show the world

how amazing you truly are, and serve your PURPOSE!