Did you know everything you do everyday is manifesting your life and your next move?
Have you ever taken the time to truly start noticing how you feel right in the exact moment, and being aware of the moment, the good and the bad?
We tend to focus on the bad, and because of that, our moves are based on that bad feeling, which becomes a ripple effect to the next bad move. You all know the saying, when it rains it pours.. Well that is because when something unpleasant or bad happens, we get so fixated on it, that it consumes our thoughts, which then turns our power of manifestation to continue to bring in more bad things. It's almost like we turned on a bad things radar. However, once you become aware of your feeling in every moment, you can learn to stay focused on the positive of that moment, and use that to move to the next.
This is manifesting. Each thought you have, manifest into the next thing you do.
Take into practice to stop focusing on the problem, and start to truly focus on the OUTCOME. How does it FEEL to already be in the goal, or in the positive moment.
For example, how does it feel to have that time freedom, or how does it feel to be living in that dream house? Truly feel the things you are working towards. Visualize it with a dream board, or mediate and put yourself into the situation, and feel the sensations. Make it so clear, that nothing can deter you, because you already have it!
Once that is what you focused on, what your feelings are focused on, you now begin to truly start to manifest it into reality, because your subconsciousness knows nothing else but THAT!
Our minds are so extremely powerful, and when we do not know it, or understand it, we let our minds be the one in control. Because of this, it will often go to the easiest move, which is usually the bad or negative

one. Learning how to take ownership of our thoughts, of our outcomes, begins to mold our lives, and manifest our realities.
Now I'll say, this is called a practice for a reason. This is something that needs to be practiced daily. Write down your intentions, your manifestation, and read them to yourself as often as you need reminding. When you can learn to master your thoughts, and say focused on only the positive outcome, you become a beacon of light, and slowly will start to notice how the bad simply seems to fade away.
Happy Manifesting friends!